Learn Amazon Selling Basics (English): A Beginner E-Learning Course- English

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Unlock the secrets of successful e-commerce with our “Mastering Amazon Selling” course, a comprehensive and detailed tutorial designed to guide you through every aspect of becoming a successful Amazon seller. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your journey in online retail or an experienced seller aiming to enhance your strategies, this course is your key to achieving unparalleled success on the world’s largest online marketplace.

  1. Introduction to Amazon Selling:
    • Explore the fundamentals of Amazon’s platform and understand the immense potential it holds for aspiring sellers.
    • Learn why Amazon is the go-to platform for e-commerce and the key advantages it offers.
  2. Setting Up Your Amazon Seller Account:
    • Step-by-step guide to creating and optimizing your Amazon seller account.
    • Understand the different account types and choose the one that best suits your business.
  3. Product Research and Selection:
    • Dive into the art of product research to identify lucrative opportunities.
    • Learn how to select winning products and avoid common pitfalls.
  4. Listing Optimization:
    • Craft compelling product listings that grab attention and drive conversions.
    • Master the use of keywords and optimize your listings for maximum visibility.
  5. Effective Marketing and Advertising:
    • Explore advanced strategies to boost your product visibility and drive traffic.
    • Learn how to create effective Amazon ads to increase sales and revenue.
  6. Inventory Management:
    • Gain insights into effective inventory management techniques to avoid stockouts and overstock situations.
    • Understand the importance of keeping a balanced inventory for sustained growth.
  7. Customer Service Excellence:
    • Discover the significance of providing exceptional customer service on Amazon.
    • Learn how positive reviews and customer satisfaction can propel your business forward.
  8. Scaling Your Amazon Business:
    • Strategies for scaling your business, exploring new product lines, and expanding your reach.
    • Navigate challenges that come with growth and learn how to overcome them.
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What Will You Learn?

  • Introduction to Amazon Selling:
  • Explore the fundamentals of Amazon's platform and understand the immense potential it holds for aspiring sellers.
  • Learn why Amazon is the go-to platform for e-commerce and the key advantages it offers.
  • Setting Up Your Amazon Seller Account:
  • Step-by-step guide to creating and optimizing your Amazon seller account.
  • Understand the different account types and choose the one that best suits your business.
  • Product Research and Selection:
  • Dive into the art of product research to identify lucrative opportunities.
  • Learn how to select winning products and avoid common pitfalls.
  • Listing Optimization:
  • Craft compelling product listings that grab attention and drive conversions.
  • Master the use of keywords and optimize your listings for maximum visibility.
  • Effective Marketing and Advertising:
  • Explore advanced strategies to boost your product visibility and drive traffic.
  • Learn how to create effective Amazon ads to increase sales and revenue.
  • Inventory Management:
  • Gain insights into effective inventory management techniques to avoid stockouts and overstock situations.
  • Understand the importance of keeping a balanced inventory for sustained growth.
  • Customer Service Excellence:
  • Discover the significance of providing exceptional customer service on Amazon.
  • Learn how positive reviews and customer satisfaction can propel your business forward.
  • Scaling Your Amazon Business:
  • Strategies for scaling your business, exploring new product lines, and expanding your reach.
  • Navigate challenges that come with growth and learn how to overcome them.

Course Content

1. What Is E-Commerce And What Are Online Marketplaces

  • What Is E-Commerce And What Are Online Marketplaces

2. Account Creation On Amazon.in

3. Account Health

4. UPC Codes And GTIN Exemption

5. What Is Buybox

6. FBA And FBM And Self Ship

7. All About Selling Fees

8. Product Research Without Using Any Paid Tools (Basic And Free)

9. Basic Keyword Research (Free)

10. Add An Offer To Product That Already Selling On Amazon

11. New Single Product Listing

12. How To Add Variations In Single Listing Method

13. How To Process Selfship Orders

14. How To Process MFN Easy Ship Orders.

15. Ad Campaign Creation Automatic

16. Ad Campaign Creation- Manual

17. How To Contact Seller Support Team